Any of a number of tropical vines of the genus Dioscorea many having edible tuberous roots. 任何薯蓣属的热带藤蔓植物,许多有可食的块根。
Edible tuberous root of various yam plants of the genus Dioscorea grown in the tropics world-wide for food. 薯蓣属植物的可食用的块根,生长在热带地区,全世界都把它作为食物。
Resources of Medicinal Plants from Genus Dioscorea in Guizhou Province 贵州省薯蓣属药用植物资源
Yam ( Dioscorea opposita Thunb.), also known as yam, commonly known as yam, is a winding vine of the genus Dioscorea. Dioscoreaceae with high medicinal value and nutritional value is one of the famous four pregnant drug. 薯蓣(DioscoreaoppositaThunb.)又名淮山,俗称山药,属薯蓣科薯蓣属缠绕性藤本植物,具有较高的药用价值和营养价值,是我国著名的四大怀药之一。